Reflection after the course, ENLT 6805

In this course, I have learnt to make many CALL activities to be used in my English lessons to enhance students’ English ability inside and outside the classroom. Among all the artifacts I have learnt to build, I made use of Hotpotatoes, Quizlet, Pinterest, Prezi, Audacity, Photo Story 3 and Window Movie Maker the most. The students seemed to enjoy the new way of language learning because they like doing things with the computer and now they have a perfect excuse to use computer at home. It seemed to help the weaker students tremendously too because they could go to the video I made by Audacity to learn the pronunciation of new words. Unfortunately, due to the various background of the students, not everyone could benefit from these CALL activities because not everyone has a computer at home. Besides, not all parents appreciate the idea for students to learn language electronically. They often assume that students are playing computer games instead of learning. Therefore, sometimes I found that the CALL activities have sort of increased the learning diversity. Anyway, I will continue to make use of the CALL activities I learnt and explore more in the future. In the same times, I will try to find a way for all my students to benefit from these activities.

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